# Services documentation

On this page, you will find documentation related to some of the services registered as receiving nodes on the bus.

# Slack Notifier Service

The Slack Notifier Service can be used to be notified on Slack when events are received by the bus. It can also be used specifically to send messages to Slack. You can choose the Slack workspace, channel and content of the message.

# Events

The Slack Notifier Service can process any events, provided that they contain a SlackMessage payload. The payload requirements and an example can be found on this spreadsheet (opens new window).

If the sole purpose of your event is to send a message to Slack, you can name it SendSlackMessage. Those events don't require any bus setup thanks to destinations inherited from the Global venture config, i.e. you can skip the section below.

# Bus setup

  • Add the Slack Notifier Service as a destination.
  • List the events for which you want to be notified on Slack.

# Data Lake

The Data Lake service allows to store any events in the data lake.
If you are sending article events, you can use the Data Lake for Media and Blog Articles service so that they are staged to be immediately queryable. It also triggers specific processes for the CDE (Content Distribution Engine).

# Events

The Data Lake service can receive any events. The Data Lake for Media and Blog Articles service is configured to handle ArticleCreated, ArticleUpdated, ArticleDeleted events only.
Payload requirements and examples for these events can be found on this spreadsheet (opens new window).

# Bus setup

  • Add the Data Lake or Data Lake for Media and Blog Articles as a destination.
  • List the events that you want to store in the data lake.
  • Select the Auth type Api-Token. Enter the name x-api-key and contact the person listed in "Contact details" to ask for an auth token. Indicate if you intend to use the CDE, so that they can create a mapping entry. They will need your node id, which you can find at the top of the Details and Settings page.

# Sailthru Publishing Service

The Sailthru Publishing Service is made for media and blogs to sync articles to Sailthru content library. It can also be used by any business to subscribe users to the Newsletter.

# Events

The service expects ArticleCreated, ArticleUpdated, ArticleDeleted, NewsletterSubscribed and NewsletterUnsubscribed events.
Payload requirements and examples for these events can be found on this spreadsheet (opens new window).

# Bus setup

  • Add the Sailthru Publishing Service as a destination.
  • List the events that you want to route to the service and select the relevant endpoint for each.
  • Select the Auth type Api-Token. Enter the name Authorization. The value should be following the format Bearer x|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
    Contact the person listed in "Contact details" to ask for an auth token. They will need your node id, which you can find at the top of the Details and Settings page.
  • In the Configuration data section > Data appended to events, enter the list of cultures* that the service must process as well as the credentials of the Sailthru account to which the articles and users must be synced, following the example below:
  "cultures": [
  "sailthru": {
    "api_key": "...",
    "secret": "..."

* the culture(s) must match one or more cultures provided in your Article events' payload, and be available for all required fields.

"title": [
        "culture": "en_GB",
        "value": "Liverpool stars Mane and Salah on track for Africa final showdown"

# Syncing Service

The Syncing Service is made for marketplaces to sync listings and leads between themselves, to sync listings to Sailthru content library or to notify Google about job listings using Google Indexing API (opens new window).

# Events

The service can process ListingCreated, ListingUpdated, ListingDeleted as well as ListingLeadCreated events.
Payload requirements for these events can be found on this spreadsheet (opens new window).

# Bus setup

  • Add the Syncing Service as a destination.
  • List the events that you want to route to the service.
  • Select the Auth type Api-Token. Enter the name Authorization. The value should be following the format Bearer x|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
    Contact the person listed in "Contact details" to request an auth token. Provide him with your node id, which you can find at the top of the Details and Settings page, as well as what operations you would like the service to perform (e.g. sync listings to Sailthru content library).
  • In the Configuration data section > Data appended to events, enter the list of cultures* that the service must process and if you intend to sync listings to Sailthru content library, also provide the credentials of the Sailthru account following the example below:
  "cultures": [
  "sailthru": {
    "api_key": "...",
    "secret": "..."

* the culture(s) must match one or more cultures provided in your Article events' payload, and be available for all required fields.

"title": [
        "culture": "en_GB",
        "value": "Liverpool stars Mane and Salah on track for Africa final showdown"

# Alert Matching Service

The Alert Matching Service matches user alerts with new listings. It can be coupled with the Sailthru notifier to send email alerts and with the OneSignal notifier to send browser notifications.

# Events

The service can process ListingCreated, ListingUpdated, ListingDeleted, ListingPromoted, AlertCreated, AlertUpdated, AlertDeleted, UserUpdated, and UserDeleted events.

The Listing and Alert events are required.
When a user changes their email address, a UserUpdated event can be sent instead of sending AlertUpdated events for each user alert.
When a user is deleted, a UserDeleted event can be sent instead of sending AlertDeleted events for each user alert.
ListingPromoted events can be sent to promote listings inside email alerts.

Payload requirements for these events can be found on this spreadsheet (opens new window).

# Bus setup

  • Add the Alert Matching Service as a destination.
  • List the events to route to the service.
  • Select the Auth type Api-Token. Enter the name api_key and contact the persons listed in "Contact details" to request an auth token.

To send email alerts:

  • Add the Sailthru Notifier Service as a destination.
  • Add the event EmailAlertSent to the list of events to send to this destination.
  • In the Configuration data section > Data appended to events, enter the Sailthru account credentials as well as the name of the template to be used following the example below:
  "sailthru_api_key": "...",
  "sailthru_secret": "...",
  "sailthru_template": "alert"


CIET (Crawl and Index Efficacy Tool) measures the time between a URL going live, Google's first crawl, and indexing. It requires a Google Search Console API key, obtainable from Google Cloud (opens new window) following this video tutorial (opens new window).

# Events

The service processes ListingCreated, ListingUpdated, ListingDeleted, ArticleCreated, ArticleUpdated and ArticleDeleted events.
Payload requirements for these events can be found on these spreadsheets: Listing (opens new window), Article (opens new window).

# Bus setup

  • Add CIET as a destination.
  • List the events that you want to route to the service.
  • Select the Auth type Basic. Enter the username and password provided to you by the Bus team.